Vision Four: William Branham saw tremendous technological advances coming right after the end of the war. He even saw an egg shaped car with a plastic bubble roof, going down beautiful highways completely under perfect remote control. There was no steering wheel in the car and the occupants of the car appeared to be playing a game like checkers.

Vision Five: The fifth scene that appeared involved the womanhood of the world. In this scene there appeared the fast moral decay of women. Starting back when she received her so-called liberty to enter into worldly affairs by means of the vote, she soon began to wear clothes that were too revealing. She bobbed her hair and adopted the clothing of men. Finally, the vision showed her all but stripped naked and she merely covered herself with a tiny apron about the size and shape of a fig leaf. With her womanhood so little valued, a terrible decay of all flesh came upon the earth and with it perversion even as set forth by the Word of God.

Vision Six: Then there arose in the United States a most beautiful woman clothed in splendor, and great power was given to her. She was lovely of feature, but there was a hardness about her that defied description. Beautiful as she was, she was yet cruel, wicked and cunning. She dominated the land with her authority, she had complete power over the people.

Vision Seven: A great explosion rent the entire land, and left the land of America a smoldering, chaotic ruin.